TONIGHT: Virtual "Office Hours" with Mary & Austin

What: Project leads Mary and Austin will answer all your questions about the project. Come with your project questions, from schedule to camera setup to project impact! We want to make sure all volunteers are oriented and ready to go when the season starts. The first rotation is coming right up, starting on May 8!

When: TONIGHT (April 20, 6-7:30pm)

How: Join on Zoom by clicking the button below.

Join the Q&A

Next Steps

If you haven't already, make sure to complete the following as soon as possible:

1. Watch the training recording if you could not attend live. This will give you context to ask further questions at tonight's Q&A.

2. Sign up for camera pickups on April 23 or 25. Option 1 (April 23) at Creekside Park includes a camera demo and is highly recommended for new participants. Option 2 is at the Sageland Collaborative office (for previous participants).

3. Sign the 2022 participant waiver if you haven't yet.

4. Add rotation dates to your calendar. You can add our Wasatch Wildlife Watch Google Calendar to your device here.

5. Access project resources as needed. Look under "Camera Volunteer Resources" on our website for video tutorials and other information.

2022 Volunteer Training Recording

If you missed the live training or want to review, here is the recording:

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have watched the training or read the Community Scientist Position Description and no longer feel like you can join us this season, please let us know as soon as possible so we can reassign your site or make other arrangements. 

Please email project lead Austin Green with questions.

Camera Pickups & Demos

You have two options for picking up camera equipment. New participants are strongly encouraged to attend Option 1 (the live demo of camera operations). Don't forget to take advantage of tonight's virtual "office hours" as well to get all your questions answered!

 - Option 1: Camera Pickups & Demo, April 23, 2022. 8-10am or 2-4pm. 

At Creekside Park, Holladay. You can pick up your equipment, meet other volunteers, and, if desired, view demos and ask questions. The demo portion is strongly encouraged for new participants.

 - Option 2: Camera Pickups, Monday, April 25. 10am-6pm. 

At the Sageland Collaborative office (824 South 400 West, Suite B119, Salt Lake City, UT). If you have participated in previous years and feel confident in your camera setup skills, feel free to sign up for option 2.

Austin's Dissertation Defense

Austin's dissertation defense is happening next week! It will be April 29th at 2pm MT.

You can join with this Zoom link: Please email Austin with any questions.

Sharing the Project

Thank you so much for your passion for wildlife in the Wasatch. We're grateful to have you as an official 2022 volunteer.

If you have friends and family who are interested in the project but aren't joining as a camera volunteer, they can still be involved! We need more volunteers on the Image Analysis part of the project to help us get through last year's images.

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